New Features, Improvements, and Updates
- Updated Rent Assessments export to fall back to tenant's secondary address if no active tenancy for the tenant.
- Updated Rent Assessments export to include income sources.
- Introduced the ability to delete an RTB record (if the user role permits).
- Added tenant account number on bank reconciliation screen to aid with identifying tenants with the same name.
- Updated the following reports relating to the bank to include the reconciled date:
Tenant Transactions
Supplier Transactions
Management Company Transactions
Local Authority Transactions
Bank Payments
Bank Receipts
Bank Transfers
- Added CSV export option to the Bank Reconciliation report.
- Added CSV export option to the Bank Account Statement.
- Added the following additional heating types (details tab of property view)
- Open Fire - Back Boiler
- Open Fire - Room Only
- Stove - Back Boiler
- Stove - Room Only
- Introduced the ability to capture details of windows and doors in a property.
- New Work Order Category - Stock Condition Works
- Added the ability to display a QR code on tenant statements.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue whereby the Bank Account Reconciliation Report was always empty.
- Fixed issue with dwelling type and property types displayed incorrectly on the Local Authority Audit report.
- Fixed issue with the printable version of the Tenant Transaction Report where the tenant filter wan't being applied.
- Fixed issue whereby email events were not being displayed in the Work Order history pane.
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